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Dolphin Intelligence

Spend a day with a dоlрhіnаnd уоu’rе quickly rеmіndеd of whу thеу’vе аlwауѕ сарturеd оur іmаgіnаtіоnѕThеу аrе рlауfulѕосіаblеаnd juѕt incredibly fun to bе аrоund.  But scientists say there’s a lot more tо this аnіmаlѕ and they’re just bеgіnnіng tо understand theіntrісаtе thіnkіng оf these so саllеd, “bіg brаіnеd mammals. Wе саmе hеrе tо the Bаltіmоrе […]

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Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Japan

I’ve always wanted to have an expedition in Asia and during my research, I stumbled upon Japan. There’s no denying here, it is one of the best and fascinating countries to visit. I admire how they can blend their new technology and old traditions properly. If you are planning to visit Japan, allow me to […]

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Things To See in Tokyo Japan

Traveling by far, in my opinion, is one of the greatest hobbies there is. Not only does it give you a chance to explore new cultures and traditions but in most cases, it gives you a wide variety of experiences which help you make lifelong memories. One destination, which stands out in Asia from all […]

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Tips for Thailand Travelers

One of the most well-known travel destinations for backpackers is Thailand. This well know destination is hands down one of the most sought-after locations because of its diversity, location and diverse culture. Plan Time Bangkok is the popular destination starting point for a well-rounded trip. Taking a few days to explore the city to explore […]

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Best Travel Destinations in Shanghai

Shanghai China’s largest city located on the Yangtze River Delta, offers many sightseeing views, attractions and fun to visitors. City also provides opportunities to explore waterside areas. The city has many visiting points including museums, art galleries, gardens, parks, temples, and traditional pagodas. Shanghai is modern in technology and has high-speed railway connections. Here is […]

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